About us

We are shipsbroker from indonesia, we already to serve you as your enquiry as your class and rule warranty requirements. and, make sure the vessel in sea worthy condition.

we serve your requirement as long as in progress snp in our country , visa, hotel etc.

We , offer you competitive vessel for your company operation from South east asia, originaly indonesia. and,  assist you to get All information of the vessel, negotiate directly.

We can develop your new building as per your instruction, your class requirements, provide profesional team work to built it. Indonesia ShIpyard location – Batam, Samarinda, Tegal etc

warm regards


Rahmat basuki



We accept for partnership for sale and purchase your vessel as is and if required we can develope anything for special purpose and special condition.. We have a team to do  it.

for Shipowner , please dont hesitate to contact us:to info@indo-ships.com   for sale via us. We can develope your interest with professional.send to us your GA, Ship particular, last docking information, and class statue. and new photograph of the vessel.

for buyer: please dont hesitate to contact us:to info@indo-ships.com send to us your enquiry with detail requirement.

warm regards,


Rahmat basuki